Easy Grilled Chicken & Bacon Asparagus

For my sugar-free challenge friends... I have a dinner for you. The best part? It's easy to make and apparently it tastes pretty damn good. Rob gave a lot of praise to this one tonight... #win.

Sooo... how's everyone doing with the sugar-free? Getting easier? Not craving it as much? I'm a convert. I'll never go 100% sugar-free as I think it's important to 'treat yoself', but, I have much more energy during the week and overall feel better. Anddd, I think I'm a little trimmer, too. The pants are feeling a tad looser. That was NOT the goal with this challenge, but, I'll take it!

So, I've been reading up a lot (like, A LOT) on more on sugar-free, gluten-free, lower carb, etc health benefits. Partly because of this challenge and my new found happiness sans sugar, but, also for something else that I'll touch on at a later date. Now, more than ever, I'm eating as healthy as I possibly can and doing a TON of research. (that's part of the reason you haven't heard from me in a while).

Anywayyy... tonight's dinner was simple. Here we go...


- 1 package of organic, nitrate-free bacon (can be found at whole foods - have had a hard time finding this anywhere else)
- Organic chicken breasts (can be found at most supermarkets, however, I find the most bang for your buck at Whole Foods)
- Organic asparagus
- Extra Virgin OO
- Juice of 1 Lemon
- Salt, Crushed Red Pepper, Parsley (fresh or dried)
- Organic mayo
- Organic honey

- Yellow mustard

Marinate the chicken breasts in the lemon juice, extra virgin, salt, crushed red pepper, parsley, and garlic. Set aside for an hour or so (the longer the better).


- Wrap 4 asparagus with 1 slice of bacon, repeat as many times as needed to feed who you are with (I ate 2 groups - 8 pieces of asparagus, Rob got 3, so 12)
- Drizzle with evoo & a little crushed red pepper
- Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, then, throw it on the grill or grill pan for another 5 on each side to crisp it up
- Set it to the side with tin foil over it

- While the asparagus are cooking - Mix together 1.5 parts yellow mustard, 1 part organic mayo, and 1/4 parts honey in a small bowl and set aside (this is the dipping sauce)


- Wipe the grill pan clean but leave a little bacon grease :)
- Toss the marinated chicken breast on the hot pan and let it cook 60% through
-  Flip them and cook through
- Let them rest for 2-5 minutes

Plate and serve! (With a glass of Underwood Pinot... perfect for a night watching 'House of Cards' with Mr. Frank and Claire Underwood themselves...)

Have a wonderful weekend! xo

Sugar Free Challenge Volume 2 (and a Smoothie Recipe)

Hi everyone! How's it going with the sugar free challenge? I am VERY happy to report that there are 12 of you who have PUBLICLY joined the sugar-free challenge. Anyone else care to join us? If so, just comment on this blog post (below or on fb).

I promised to post some helpful tips so here's what I got:

1. Have you tried sugar free coffee? If it's not cutting it for you with just cream or milk... Try a cappuccino or my NEW personal favorite - an Americano. Rob re-introduced me to these last week and I must say that I even prefer it to cappuccino. It's just two espresso shots in hot water, but, for some reason... It's so good - really smooth! 
(as a side note - sugar free does NOT mean the addition of splenda, sweet n low, equal or any of that other artificial shit) 

2. Missing that sweet? I'm really enjoying organic berries or pineapple as a post lunch/dinner snackle. I've always loved berries and pineapple - my favorite fruits!

3. 70%+ cocoa dark chocolate is allowed - have you acquired a taste for it yet?

4. Remember, there are added sugars in some things that might not be as obvious of such as; salad dressing, ketchup, jam, NON-raw/natural peanut butter, and pretty much everything that is processed. Read your labels. The best substitute for dressing is just extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar, or lemon juice. After a while, you'll start to prefer this dressing to anything else. For ketchup, buy organic. Heinz has high fructose corn syrup and regular corn syrup, because you know... the high fructose wasn't enough..............
Sigh... and of course, natural peanut butter, there should be only 1-2 ingredients: raw peanuts, salt. That's it. You can buy salt-free, as well. 

5. Start paying attention to how you feel during and after workouts. Are you feeling better? That's motivation enough!


Moving on... I made another smoothie today. It was deeeelish. Here's the recipe:
- Cup of frozen mango
- 1 Banana
- 1 Tbs of Raw almond butter
- Tbs Ground flaxseed
- Tbs Chia seeds
- Water as needed to make it blend
- Couple dashes of cinnamon

QUESTION TIME: What other tips might you need? What part of the sugar free challenge do you think is the hardest? Any advice you can share with the rest of us?!


Have a great week! xo

Sugar Free Challenge

So ever since I posted this blog post in early March, I've been trying harder to reduce my sugar intake. Remember this article? Woof. Sugar is so evil. I actually started a few months prior when I started feeling groggy after my yogurt/berry lunches that were always topped off with 2-3 little chocolates that were left around the office kitchen.  That's a whole lot of sugar. Even though yogurt and berries are both healthy - I had been eating flavored chobanis, dried fruit, and frozen berries. Add a couple chocolates and I was basically asking to crash.

So, I started bringing chicken that I'd make from the night before, pea pods, hard boiled eggs, baked chickpeas, beanito chips etc. I'd still eat my fruit, of course, but the center of my meal revolved around a protein with little or no sugar. Guess what happened? I stopped crashing after lunch. (what a concept! <insert sarcasm>)

Since the blog post, I've been cutting down on my nightly gelatos and I've completely removed sugar from my coffee. Guys, I used to LOVE sugar. I mean, swedish fish, sour watermelon slices, chocolate in any form... gimme. But recently (and I mean RECENTLY) I haven't been craving or enjoying sugar, as much. I still have a couple little pieces of 70%+ dark chocolate at night after dinner and I've had some dessert when I go out to eat, but, I'm no longer addicted. It's kind of a weird feeling. I mean, I thought since I removed the candies like swedish fish and sour watermelons from my diet yearssss ago, I was over sugar. What I didn't realize or pay attention to, was the excess sugar from my yogurts, milk, jam on toast, a couple chocolates here and there, etc.

So here's my challenge you... will you cut out some sugar with me? Yes, even if it looks like beautiful unicorns. Here are the rules: no excess sugar Monday - Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are ok if you go out to eat or someone bakes, etc. Cut out or reduce the sugar in coffee. No sugary cereals, soda, flavored yogurts, etc. (read your labels). 70+% dark chocolate is approved (antioxidants, baby!). My next step is to completely cut out my nightly ice cream/gelato. I've started to cut it out, but, I'm ready to go cold turkey now.

LIKE on Facebook and/or RT on Twitter if you are going to join me. Challenge ends on 5/25 (day of the Run to Remember half marathon). I want to hear how you all feel on that day. I'll be posting progress and helpful hints throughout the way. All who join will be entered to win a gift from me (fitness related, of course). 


Have an awesome week. xo