Honey Mustard Chicken

Chicken has really been boring the life out of me lately... I find myself eating more shrimp, fish, and other forms of protein. But, at the end of the day, organic chicken is easy and a great source of protein. Last night, I decided to wing it and put together a sauce that I thought might work - and did!

For the chicken, need:

- 1 Tbs or so of Organic Mayo

- 2 Tbs or so of Whole Grain Mustard

- 1 tbs or so of Honey


- Just mix together in a bowl

- Cover the organic chicken tenderloins with the sauce and put on a parchment-lined baking sheet

What about the asparagus, parsnips, & carrots?

Asparagus: Drizzle with extra virgin and season with salt/pepper

Carrots/Parsnips: Toss with extra virgin and season with salt/pepper & rosemary

Put in a 425 degree oven for 15-17 minutes and all of it will be done. 

Side note:  I like the carrots and parsnips a little more crunchy - so I let them stay in for another 5 while I covered the chicken and asparagus on my plate to keep them warm. You could also start cooking them first, but, I didn't have time for that last night.

The sauce came out great! I think it would be even better on wings... makes sense seeing that it IS a honey-mustard sauce.

The entire meal delivers tons of protein, cancer-fighting antioxidants, and lots of vitamins!

Here's the breakdown:
Parsnips: Folate, Potassium, Vitamins C & E
Asparagus: Vitamins K, A, B1 & C, folate and has anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
Carrots: A, K, & Fiber
Organic Chicken: Protein, B3, B6, Selenium

Happy Tuesday! xo

Guys, Parsnips are like, really good

So, this fall, I've been buying different types of squash to try.  I saw this guy at Foodies yesterday and thought he might be tasty so I looked up who he was and come to find out... he's available year-round. Sigh. Oh, his name is Carnival Squash. He was hard to chop up, too.

Anyway, I was still excited to try him so I carefully (using 3 different types of knives) chopped him up into pieces and then left a 1/4 of it in the skin. Drizzled all of the 'meat' with extra virgin o/o, cinnamon, & salt. Popped it in the oven at 425.

Then, I remembered I also picked up some Parsnips. My sister does a roasted mix of root vegetables at Thanksgiving and I remember digging these guys. So, I peeled & chopped them and added them to the baking sheet with just extra virgin and salt.

WELL, the squash was OK, I like butternut and spaghetti much better. BUT, the parsnips were awesome! They kind of taste like a mix between a potato and a carrot. Baking them this way made them crunchy, too (I really like my root vegetables prepared this way)

Obviously, I did my research and parsnips are really high in potassium, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin E! 

(The chicken was prepared grilled and tossed in buffalo sauce - I felt like eating orange food tonight... or something) 

Parsnips... who knew?


Have a GREAT hump day! xo