Sunday Food Prep II

As I've mentioned before... I'm trying to initiate a Sunday Food Prep.  I kind of struggle with it because I'm very much an "in the mood" eater. That being said, in order to pack healthy lunches and not spend a fortune at the salad bar at Whole Foods every day, it's important to have healthy protein options available. A few months ago, Kristen mentioned these mini muffin tin quiches that she had been making to bring to work for lunch. GENIUS! So yesterday, I finally made them. Well, a version of them - I just basically made a 'kitchen sink' version. Everything leftover from entertaining over the weekend besides the kitchen sink!

Here's what I did:

- 7 (random - that's what was left) organic eggs
- SautΓ©ed onions (about 1/4 red onion)
- 1/2 cup Shredded manchego cheese (lucky me, but you can use any cheese - feta would be nice)
- Swiss chard from my garden (4-5 stalks chopped and shredded)
- Prosciutto (I probably had 4 slices leftover that I tore up)
- 1/4 cup of Panko bread crumbs

How easy is this? Mix it all together and then pour into greased (I used organic butter) muffin tins. It filled 9 tins.

Bake on 350 for about 20 minutes. (watch them - may need more or less time). Then, just let them cool and then pack away for the week!

Of course I had to taste one after they were done baking.

And for lunch today! They are so good and packed with protein and veggies and all kinds of goodness. Give them a shot! Do you guys prep food on Sunday?!?? I'd love to know what you make!

