Props to aerie
/I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... "Every human you see in a magazine, in a commercial, or on a website is photo-shopped, so just relax." I've got to hand it to aerie... come to find out... they are now no longer re-touching their models. Tan lines, tattoos, bra-overhang (although tiny - they ARE models) -- it's all there in their #aeriereal campaign.
I'm just so impressed, aerie, Bravo... BRA-freaking-VO. I've always liked aerie as a brand. Back in my Simon days... we opened a few and I was impressed with how the models in their window posters were wearing what I would consider, cute "lingerie". It wasn't over-sexualized or seductive like other brands I know (won't mention any names).
photo courtesy of huffington post
Look at these photos... these women look INCREDIBLE. And you know what else? I'm actually pretty stoked that they used actual models instead of a variety of women and here's why: Although I love the Dove, Love Your Body campaign, the aerie campaign reveals that, yes, even models do not have photo-shop-perfect bodies. More and more studies are proving that, depressingly, young women believe that they should look like women that they see in advertisements, billboards, and magazines. Ugh.
photo courtesy of huffington post
Which brings me to my next point. Guys, we need to be really careful. We need to set a better example for young women. We have to stop saying the F-word (fat - in case you didn't know - I'd prefer the actual F-word to be honest) in front of young girls. We have to stop comparing our bodies to others. And, we have to stop picking apart all of our imperfections. Just stop.
photo courtesy of
Which brings me to my final point. I started writing this health/fitness/wellness/lifestyle blog because coworkers and friends would ask me how I eat pizza and ice cream and still stay fit. It's all about balance and being happy and eating real food and MOVING. That's it. Stay away from diets, stay away from fake food (fat-free, light, sugar-free) it's all fake. Move-Your-Body. Get to the gym, go for a walk, take up a hobby. Do something you love, every day. And finally, surround yourself with amazing people. I'll give tips and tricks and ideas on this blog for all of the above, but, you won't see a post that says "LOSE THAT ARM JIGGLE" OR "TRY THIS WORKOUT FOR 6-PACK ABS". Sorry, not happenin. Feel good, look good.
photo courtesy of
That's it, that's all I got. Props aerie - I'm going to go buy some things now - I feel like I'm donating to a cause.
Check out all the gorgeous models at
(And No, aerie did NOT contact me to write this post. They have NO IDEA that I am promoting this campaign.)
Have an AWESOME thursday!!!! xo