Friday Favs

Good morning and Happy Friday! I hope you all had a successful and productive week. Mine was pretty fantastic since it included a few fun work meetings (fun work meetings? yes!) and a visit from Kim and baby Lyla on Tuesday. I'm off today for working Sunday so I'm getting some more BoxFiit Certification modules done (more on this later) and then Mandy is coming to Boston for the day - yay! I hope you all have a fun weekend filled with relaxation, SUNSHINE, outdoor activities, laughter, and a little movement.

Here are my favs of the week:


{Running Castle Island this week has been amazing. That ocean air heals the soul, I'll tell ya!}


{Rob came home with these for me on Wednesday night. He's a keeper! (I make him hide them every night because when it comes to anything Swedish Fish related - I have zero self control)}


{I see green! Spring is coming :)}


{Burtons Grill offers seared tuna as a protein add-on for salads. I wish every restaurant did this. Healthy and Yummy!}


{Last night, the bartender at Capo liked my pineapple phone case so much that he made Rob & I a special drink in a copper pineapple. Pineapples are a sign of hospitality -- how hospitable of him!}

Enjoy the weekend! xo

Friday Favs 2.12.16

Hi everybody and HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you all have a great weekend planned! It's Valentine's Day which is one of my favorite holidays. I think a lot of people hate on Valentine's Day and I don't really understand why... what's wrong with spreading a little love to our favorites? Family, friends, signifs, whoever! I've always liked this holiday, even through my (many) single years. I had thoughtful friends that would reach out. My parents would send me a card or a little (usually comical) gift. I'd go out with my girlfriends, drink wine, and catch up. There's always a reason to celebrate. Spread a little love! Goodness knows this world could use a little more of that. I hope whatever you have planned brings you much happiness, laughs, warmth (because holy heck it's going to be cold in the Northeast), chocolate, netflix, and a little movement!

Here are my favs of the week:


{The sunset last Friday over the freshly fallen snow}


{Tropical Mango Smoothie Jar}


{Catching up with old friends at Trade last night and this delicate decor.}


{Enjoying healthy treats from Thirst on a day off.}


{Share the love, right? Right!}


MealPass has arrived in Boston

Hi friends! A couple of weeks ago after I attended the MyStyde event in the North End, I headed over to the MealPass launch party downtown. I was excited that I'd be able to re-fuel with lots of yummy food options after running for 45 minutes!

For those of you that work in the City - you will love the idea of MealPass! A MealPass membership allows customers to get lunch every weekday from a restaurant in theMealPass network, for just $99/mo. If you are someone that already eats out for lunch daily, that's probably a major savings. For instance, say you buy lunch 4-5days/week, you'd only be paying between $4-$6 per meal! I know that when I grab lunch at most fast-casual places, I'm usually spending anywhere between $9 and $12. 

There are over 50 restaurants in the Boston MealPass network. Each restaurant offers one lunch item per day, and consumers can select which meal they'd like to have.

Check out the list... some of my favorites are included... (cough, Thirst Juice Co., cough :)).

Al Capone's, Al's State Street Cafe, Archie's New York Deli, Aris Barbeque, Avana Sushi, Barry's Bootcamp, Beantown Hoagie, Beantown Pastrami Co., Black Seed Cafe & Grill, Bonapita, Boston Kebab House, Cafe 26, Cafe Hemshin, Chicken and Rice Guys, Cocobeet, Falafel King, Fisherman's Net, Freshii, Gene's Chinese Flatbread, Gourmet India, Great Taste, Hennessy's, Herrera's Mexican Grill, Hollywood Deli, Hungry Traveler, JM Curley, KOY, Kwench Juice Cafe, Max's Deli Cafe, Milk Street Cafe, Nunzio's, Ogawa Coffee, Oliver Street Cafe, Paddy O's, Pavia, Pedro's Tacos, Philadelphia Steak & Hoagie, Piperi, Potbelly, Red's Best, SA PA, Saladworks, Scali Deli Cafe, Sebastian's, Shawarma Falafel, Siam Bistro, The Fill-A-Buster, Merchant, The Point, The Prime Shoppe, The Red Hat, Thirst Juice Co., Tossed, U&D Kitchen, Uno DuΓ© Go, Wheelhouse, Ziti's Italian Express

Here are a few photos from the event. It was pretty crowded and luckily I ran into Heather from Thirst Juice Co. as soon as I walked in so we perused the tables together. 

Here are some items from Cocobeet. Although, Thirst is my favorite for this type of stuff... those chocolate-dipped-macaroon-looking bites were probably the best thing I had the event. Chocolate + Coconut = Heaven. Bonus points for being healthy. Win-win!

Some juices and a tasty little healthy pudding.

We spotted some Mac n' Cheese at the Hennessy's table. It was ok.

We picked up a few to-go salads that I stashed in my bag for later. Then, we looked for some pizza. The one from Pavia below was the best of the bunch. The simple margarita was what we ended up sampling. Solid margarita; thin crust, buffalo mozzarella, and sliced basil.

After I was officially carbo-loaded, it was time to head out! Pretty solid list though right? I feel like this is an excellent option for those that work in the city. There are plenty of healthy options and lots of variety. Check it out!

Hope you are all having a GREAT week! xo